Walking alone, but seldom lonely
Five senses guiding my sixth
To know the world on its own terms
Accepting what is while yearning for better
Seeing value in every being
Decency binds humanity to yearning
In the face of fear, anger, and war
Glory, grace, and peace beckon
We must recalibrate our course
Climbing the steps of decency
One true and noble act at a time
To right our world, steady its axis
It’s about more than knowing, it’s about doing
Practicing decency at every opportunity
Small gestures to herculean efforts
Putting the human back in humanity
Humbly we must tread over the rubble
Left by wayward souls trapped in toxic egos
But for divine grace we are them
As we thrive and flourish in the light of truth
Rough and perilous the road remains
Cormac asks, who will carry the fire?[1]
The path is paved by acts of decency
Dispensed with kindness and compassion
The work is never done, arrival a mirage
The journey is its own reward
Virtues bloom in decency’s radiance
Where good is nurtured to gallantry
Humanity can prosper on the back of decency
One doesn’t have to look hard to act
Our chances to be decent are everywhere
We must simply ignore the scoundrels
Summon eternal wisdom from our souls
Heads up, shoulders back, eyes focused
It’s our world to save and the time has come
Decency is our beacon and our hope
[1] Referring to the late Cormac McCarthy’s The Road wherein at the end of the dystopic journey the dying father instructs his son that “You have to carry the fire” now—the hope of humanity—which the father further explains to his son that the fire is “Inside of you. It was always there. I can see it.”