From GO! to F l o w
We have entered a period in the American experiment that might best be characterized as the era of whiplash. We are being yanked to and fro by our president in a manner that is disorienting and disturbing all while we are being asked to ignore norms and laws including many provisions of our Constitution. This is not creative destruction, which is a healthy organic response to changing realities. This is not reform that revitalizes our institutions. Virtue-free blundering is not a strategy, it is destruction for the sake of destruction guided by ego, vengeance, and greed. This is not conservatism; it is nihilism saturated with corruption.
Thus far, our economy and state and local social and political structures have shown the strength of resilience. However, it is just a matter of time before they will be affected by chaos-induced risk descending from above. The violent spring storms of 2025 may be seeded by buckets of gnawed KFC chicken bones raining down from Air Force One. Congress will not restrain the executive branch, they are, regrettably, the president’s handmaid. And it is far from certain the judicial branch will be the bulwark it is supposed to be. Trump believes his Sharpie pen is the law and the Supreme Court, which granted presidents blanket immunity for official acts in 2024, may agree—either by its further rulings or by its silence.
While we are largely powerless to curb the manic dysfunction emanating from the Oval Office until the next election, our central responsibility remains: to care for ourselves and our communities—the “you and yours” of my last post. We need to be America’s anchored ballast to retain the character of the greatest nation in the modern era. We need to respond with quiet resolve rather than frantic hysteria. Matching the derangement of the beast will only empower it; it thrives on the lumens of attention. Individually, we need to move from GO! to flow.
Have you ever worked hard—really hard—to get somewhere and upon arrival realized that you had gone nowhere, or at least nowhere new? Nowhere never becomes somewhere unless it has what you’re aiming for. We live in a society where tremendous amounts of energy are used to go nowhere, but we always get there fast! The boorish among us even believe destroying everything in their path without regard to those harmed is a requisite of success. Psychiatrists call them sociopaths. Today, we call him president.
Upon arrival at nowhere, the emptiness in the outcome is then usually ignored in favor of racing somewhere else. Chase, chase, chase. Surely, a new destination will turn nowhere into somewhere. We hope the grass will be greener over the next hill, or after the next deal, or in the next new relationship. Many of us are careening meteors destined for catastrophic collisions in the empty space of nowhere. If we are lucky, we don’t harm anything or anyone else. We simply fall apart in the silence of darkness and, if we survive the humiliation of devastation, […]
You & Yours
Now is the time for writers and artists and musicians and chefs and teachers and ministers and philosophers to step out from the shadows and shine their light to illuminate the good and true. We need the subtle but durable power of aestheticism and depth of virtue to guide us as our nation is being overrun by ego-centric hucksters held captive by the grip of greed. Those who understand that neither beauty nor tranquility arise […]
Is Ochlocracy Next?
First, an apology. I failed to offer new year’s greetings in my first post of the year, “Flourishing Together.” Between the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas, and on the heels of the assassination of a CEO in midtown Manhattan, it seemed a gruesome and sad time incompatible with annual revelry even as most Americans—including in New Orleans and Las Vegas—partied on.
So, a belated Happy New Years! Sort of? Hopefully!?
Whether 2025 proves to […]
Flourishing Together
Although Tonto did all the real work, the Lone Ranger is etched into American mythology as the white-hatted self-reliant epitome of how we independent do-it-all-ourselves Americans should model our lives—as highly idealized rugged and righteous cowboys. Especially those of us raised in the western states grew up with the ethos of pursuing a self-directed life tethered to as few others—whether people or institutions—as we could possibly manage. While we were taught to lend a hand, […]
The Divinity Within
Stopping the clock
To let the world hang
Disturbed and fragile
Too toxic to touch
To your whims and wants
You bid adieu
Your weight of worries
Cast into the wind
No more reaching
No more seeking
No more retreats
No more journeys
Settling into your center
A pilgrimage within
Doubts dispersed
You are fine as you are
Eternal wisdom
Is not ‘out there’
It arrived at your birth
Eager to serve
Ego’s patient sibling
The soul awaits
You will awaken someday
When ‘out there’ fails
Peace seems elusive
Yet always within
Permission granted
Compassion for you
Slowing to savor
The world is a […]
America’s Arc of Moral Madness (and Hope)
The path of human progress is random, chaotic, and often maddening. Taming humanity—organizing ourselves for the common good—has been a fool’s errand since antiquity; cajoling and coping with humanity are perhaps the best we can do. Yet there is also a spirit in each of us that never surrenders. That in the face of what seems insane and insurmountable in the moment, we find a sliver of light through which we squeeze ourselves and dare […]
A Conceit of Contempt
In the human journey to create the most peaceful, stable, and perfect society, the ancients considered many issues, conditions, and regimes to govern themselves. In Book IV of The Republic of Plato, Socrates, while brainstorming a perfect society with his students, suggests that if virtues like wisdom, moderation, and courage were established in a city there would be no need for laws. Further, that if each man pursued his particular and unique skills to the […]